Monday 13 March 2017

Healthy eating

One of at least two posters of this sort in bus stops on the Horton Clockwise yesterday, with this one striking me as being the advertising version of an oxymoron. An advertisement which in general terms was promoting the idea that healthy living was to be bought from Sainsbury's, but decorated with a number of fried eggs and a gentleman who appeared to be rather overweight. With fried eggs not only being a touch unhealthy in themselves for those not engaged in manual labour, these ones appeared to have been fried in lard, the only way that I know to get the thin, brown fringed edges exhibited here, something which one rarely gets in commercially fried eggs these days. But in this case adding considerably to the unhealthiness of the eggs.

Which suggests to me some carelessness both on the part of the Sainsbury's marketing people and the advertising agency which they hired to do the work. Were they sufficiently careless to have a Muslim model cavorting with lard fried eggs? Remembering that we used to be taught that the Indian Mutiny was sparked off by Hindus getting mixed up with beef dripping.

BH tells me that this poster is only one element in a themed advertising campaign involving television advertisements and displays in stores - all of which has so far passed me by. Perhaps I need to call in at Kiln Lane to inspect these wonders for myself.

PS: a few minutes ago, I could not put my tongue on the word 'oxymoron'. A little persistence with different search terms and google delivered in what was probably well under a minute, with the successful search term being 'contradiction in terms latin'. And with it turning out that the two halves of the word both come more or less directly from the Greek, although there is no record of the Greeks having used them in this particular combination; so what the Elizabethans might have called an inkhorn invention - from Latin's fifth century decadence. Google knows all about them too.

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