Saturday 16 June 2018

Outraged of Epsom

BH got very angry yesterday afternoon, when she was pottering in the garden, to find a drone, apparently hovering over our house, apparently gazing at her. When I got up from my siesta a little later, she was still fairly angry and we decided that it was probably some young people fooling about who did not know any better. Perhaps their parents did not know any better either.

We talked about shotguns, catapults and bow & arrows - the idea of these last being that a long slow arrow going through the fast rotor would probably result in fatal damage to the rotor - a trick the Viet Cong used with some success on helicopters during the Vietnam War. And if Maplin had not just closed, they might well have sold us a gadget which would have jammed the thing - which they had probably sold in the first place.

Then today we learn that the drone was actually operated by an estate agent from Cairds, presumably to take pictures of the house that he was visiting nearby. Although why the agent would bother, unless he was a paraplegic, is beyond me. Surely pictures taken from ground level would be good enough to stick on their website? And if you want an aerial view for some reason there is always Google maps. Or Bing maps for that matter. More important, one might have hoped that a semi-professional person like an estate agent would have known better.

BH may yet go and make a big scene in the shop. No doubt waiting until there are a few customers there to see the show.

Reference 1: A website which seems to know roughly where I live without my having to tell it. But then, I usually tick the box which asks whether this or that outfit can use my location - so perhaps not another outrage.

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