Friday 6 May 2016

New game

Following the success of the aeroplane game reported on here from time to time, at, for example, reference 1, I am today pleased to introduce a new game, the animal game.

Compared to the aeroplane game, it has the advantage of having no special needs - like being within visual range of a busy airport - and of being easily adapted from one to many players. It would do quite well, for example, as a drinking or a party game. And it is quite a good antidote for insomnia.

The basic idea is quite simple. You go through the alphabet thinking up the common name of a mammal starting with each letter in turn.

'Q' and 'X' are excused and any name - person name rather than place name - starting with the letter in question may be used instead.

It is not essential, but it is good if the name is for a grouping no larger than a species. So something like 'deer' is a bit feeble, 'hare' rather better. But it is essential that a new name should neither include nor be included in an old name. So, for example, if 'otter' has been used for 'O', then 'sea otter' cannot be used for 'S'. Or if 'blue whale' has been used for 'B', then 'whale' cannot be used for 'W'. And when going around for a second time, no repeats, naturally.

There are other complications. Longer names are better than short names. One word names are better than two word names. Two word names with the first word the name of a country or continent are not encouraged at all.

Interesting or unusual animals are better than commonplace animals. So 'copyu' is better than 'cow'. In any event, you should only use the name of a farm animal if you are really stuck.

On the other hand, marginals like monotremes (eggs), marsupials (pouches) and whales (too big) are not encouraged. Again, only to be used if you are really stuck.

And if a player is really stuck, one might apply a forfeit or penalty.

Reference 1:

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