Friday 3 June 2016

Was it the Oaks?

Did they jump or were they pushed?

The two caravans of Felstead Road, first noticed on 25th April and last noticed at reference 1, have now moved on, perhaps to visit friends & relations up on the Downs for the Derby meeting. A touch more than the 28 days which seems to be necessary for compulsory movings on of this sort.

There does not appear to be too much rubbish on this occasion, although I did not get close enough to inspect what had been pushed into the nettles. But there were signs of waste. A pair of children's wellingtons down by the stream. The odd large toy. And this gas bottle, the next size down from that noticed at reference 2 - a gas bottle rendered in a very lurid red by the telephone. All rather odd to my mind, thinking that the inhabitants of caravans are probably not very well off, and might do better for themselves if they did not waste or spoil so much stuff.

Pushed on to find the shutter front of my hairdresser only half up, despite there being people inside. Loitered outside for a few minutes to no avail, so pushed on again into Ewell Village where the second barber I came to was neither busy nor noisy. So for the first time in my life, I have knowingly had my hair cut by a Kurd from Iraq - a good, cheap job as it happens.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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