Monday 26 December 2016

Memories of places

I can now present the next episode of the story started at reference 1. What was one modest caretaker's house plus the sort of garden thought suitable for such a person to grow his sprouts and dahlias in in the late sixties will now become no less than six luxury flats. Hopefully there will be enough left of the garden to park all the dustbins and cars as there are yellow lines on this particular stretch of Longmead Road.

However, discussing the matter later with BH, we had a friendly disagreement about exactly how modest the caretaker's house was. I was punting for a small, two story house with a gently pitched roof while BH was punting for a bungalow. We settled for a bungalow plus dormers. Streetview, however, backs the BH punt.

I am reminded of how often in the past, when a shop went in a street which I thought I knew well, how quickly I forget that shop. And once it is replaced with something else, I do not have a clue a month or two later. Remembering seems to require me to have been a regular customer of the shop (or whatever) in question. And this is nothing to do with getting older, or at least if it is, I have been getting older for a long time. So as to speak.

I have probably been walking past this particular house three or four times a week for at least five years, and cycled past it reasonably often for years before that. And driven past it every time I went to the tip round the corner.

PS: there was a further friendly disagreement about how much of a pain it would be to have a flat, fairly close to a reasonably busy road and fairly close to a middle sized secondary school. But certainly handy for the Alzheimer's unit more or less next door the other way.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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