Saturday 7 January 2017

A possibility

Rather over a year ago, our House of Commons roundly rejected a suggestion that they should consider legalising some form of assisted dying, something which is gradually creeping onto the statute books of a lot of the western world. Rather in the way that gay rights did before. See reference 1.

While here in the UK, the House of Commons debate seemed to be a bit of a show stopper. But now, we seem to have a possible way forward. Individuals with an interest, which probably means individuals with a very unpleasant terminal disease, might be able to get at the government, in the courts, for interfering with their human right to manage their own life, their own affairs. Let us hope that they can. That is assuming, of course, that our government is not proposing to get rid of human rights as part of a hard Brexit. Just another aspect of European meddling in our sovereign affairs. Long may she reign over us!

PS: part of our own MP's stance (Grayling of Train Strike), is the line that most of his constituents would not support such a thing. While such evidence as I have seen would suggest that this is most unlikely to be true, even though I believe that the evidence mostly comes from the not always reliable YouGov.

Reference 1:

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