Wednesday 6 September 2017

Born to be free

Cycles cluttering up the path heading down from the railway bridge at Ewell West, towards the important junction with Longmead Road (from where I can report that the egret previously noticed was still in residence on Wednesday).

Owners who decline to use to proper facilities provided in the station forecourt, preferring sturdy independence. Albeit at some inconvenience to pedestrians, particularly those pushing children in perambulators.

Owners who might come to regret their independence when the thieves noticed at reference 1 switch their attentions from Epsom to Ewell West. A notice where I forgot to mention that the taxi driver initially referred to the young thieves as 'hyenas', a bit of urban slang with which we had not been familiar.

I imagine that a similar railing in Germany or Switzerland would be adorned with a notice forbidding the chaining of bicycles, a notice which would be respected by the law-abiding citizens of those countries. I associate to a young Swiss, smoking in the car park of some provincial hotel, who once told me of the thrill of pleasure he got from being able to drop his fag ash and fag end on the ground without fear of some uniformed trusty jumping out of bushes and imposing an instant fine on him.

Reference 1:

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