Tuesday 23 February 2016


Spotted this morning when extracting the day's shirt from the cupboad - a naval uncle repaired hanger.

A reasonably neat mend, which must have taken a couple of hours, the time one has got one's tools out and fiddled around. Not the sort of mend I can imagine anyone under 60 years of age undertaking.

Think of the terrible waste of quality time! But probably not thinking of the quality activity, the satisfaction of doing something with one's own hands, of shaping something to one's own will.

I associate to the fact that D. H. Lawrence was said (in the Maddox biography) to be very handy about the house. He might have been odd and ill, but he was very good at putting up shelves and easing doors. There is also the thought that naval gentlemen might get used to having to make do and mend when on a voyage, with no access to the corner, or any other, shop.

PS: just about at the limit of the Lumia close-up, at least without getting the book out.

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