Wednesday 13 June 2018


Until recently, most large countries conducted their foreign affairs through bureaucratic and diplomatic channels. There was experience & decorum and there were protocols & procedures. And domestic affairs were not that different.

Then, many politicians, at least many of those of the western world, thought it would be cool to conduct their business by means of tweets. Much shorter and punchier than the longwinded prosings of the professionals. Never mind the tiresome complexity of the question, just savour the punch of the message.

And now it seems the game has changed again. Let's conduct our business by showing each other short films, the sort of thing that the advertising industry is so good at. At least when it is given the time and money to do the job properly - which does not seem to be the case with today's Korean summit video.

PS: this post contains around 200 words, compared with the around 300 characters that twitter seems to allow.

Reference 1: Despite the video illustrated above coming with a label saying 'Destiny Pictures', this website denies any involvement with the summit video.

Reference 2: Maybe this is the right one. One of those irritating websites that play you loud, unsolicited music - which seems to mean that you have to keep turning the sound on your laptop on and off.

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