Sunday 23 October 2016

Getting to use it

Regular readers may have noticed a tendency to pick up things in the road, or to hang onto things which might come in handy, at some point. With one such being noticed at reference 1, maybe five months ago.

For once in a while, this strap did come in useful, for aiding and abetting the removal of a role of underlay from the roof space and getting in down the stairs, single handed. Bearing in mind that I am getting a bit old to be humping such a thing about without taking a bit of care and attention about it.

I am pleased to report that the strap did very well, possibly being easier on the hands than the blue agricultural, possibly British Telecom rope. See reference 2. I was also quite pleased with the hitching arrangement, illustrated.

The only regret is that I did not think to get it out when volunteering to lift one end of a neighbour's heritage style radiator, from lying flat on the ground, which must have weighed well over a hundredweight and which might easily have had untoward consequences.

PS: a cynic might think that all this was the main reason for getting the new carpet, noticed among the trivia at reference 3.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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