Sunday 23 October 2016

Trolley 55

Trolley 55 was picked up this morning in East Street (aka the A24), between the turning  for Ewell Village and Kiln Lane. I was heading towards Epsom, towards M&S as it happens, provisioned with an important 20% off coupon.

As well as an M&S trolley, I got three bonus points for the basket within, without label, but with Sainsbury's coloured plastic on the handles. Popped it in at Kiln Lane, to make a perfect fit in the top of the pile of baskets already there. So I think it probably was one of theirs - and so evidence of some cross over between the customers of the two shops.

Note the absence of security device from the wheels of this M&S trolley, perhaps reflecting their better class of shopper, perhaps reflecting their town centre location. Even bog-standards might feel a touch embarrassed about wheeling a full trolley through town. They might even think that we would think that they could not afford a car, let along respectable trainers and iPhone.

As it happened, I got to M&S in the nick of time. They were down to their last trolley in this size.

PS: the orange fleck which can be seen on the leftmost wheel is a bit of sweet wrapper, not a security device. Removed before delivery.

Reference 1:

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