Monday 31 October 2016

House out back

In the course of inspecting the cycle shed, it struck me what a handsome building the station itself was.

Presumably in the bad old days when we had British Rail and a bunch of idlers with jobs for life, the station master would have lived upstairs, and got full value from the handsome bay window - which, when I first knew the station, looked out on a garden centre, now affordable flats. No idea what was there when the station first went up.

A station master who would have spent his days off tending the flower beds which used to run up and down the platforms, once a sight to gladden tired commuting eyes.

We no longer have much attendance and we no longer have flower beds. But, to be fair to new management, the toilet is much more likely to be in decent working order than used to be the case.

I wonder whether, as robots destroy more and more of our jobs, that the system will bring back the jobs of the people who used to mind our railway stations. It would surely be better than having them on benefit?

Group search key: ecs.

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