Monday 23 January 2017

Viennese trios

Last week to a very civilised concert given by the Vienna Piano Trio: Haydn in E, Ravel in A minor and Brahms No.1 in B, Op.8. With the second movement of Brahms No.2 by way of encore, which I thought they dedicated to Heinrich Heinz, but I cannot find out who he might be. A former member? Second movement very good, whatever.

While the Ravel seemed to me, at the time anyway, to be exactly what I would want and expect French music from a hundred years ago to sound like. A man of the time of Proust & Vinteuil - although Ravel does not appear in the list of ingredients for this last. It was also very good.

Haydn as good as we have come to expect and Brahms better - having, for some reason, taught myself to expect symphonies and lush orchestration from him.

As it happens and roughly speaking, our last outing of the old year was trios (reference 1) and our first outing of the new year was trios. A form we are coming to like; a form in which composers seem to be content to be decorous, not too intense and not too complicated. Perhaps it suits our advancing years. In any event, when I have finished here, I shall make a point of seeing what the eight feet of vinyl have to offer in the trio department - quite possibly a lot, quite possibly unopened - my excuse being that a lot of it was acquired by inheritance rather than purchase.

Back at the Wigmore, we had been allocated seats in the left hand block of stalls, rather than our usual centre block, which I was not too sure about, but as it turned out they were very good. Not least because the empty aisle meant that, for once, BH could see what was going on. So that was alright.

Out and onto a train at Vauxhall to find the carriage we entered full of a large number of Transport Police, all very relaxed, presumably between duties rather than on duty. Left them at Earlsfield, to fail to spot any aeroplanes there, despite the moon being on show.

That aside, a very good start to the musical year.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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