Friday 9 June 2017

Unintended consequences

Corbyn did much better than originally expected, in part because he came across as clean, decent and sincere. Untainted by the moral corruption of most of Westminster, where he had been no more than a fringe player, albeit for a long time. Untainted by greed or by hobnobbing with the very rich.

However, while he did much better, he did not do enough better to actually win, with the result that May is pushed into doing a deal with the Ulster Prots, a deal which is likely to get shabby around the edges, with the Ulster Prots being into all sorts of stuff that us mainlanders would rather they weren't.

Perhaps a good example of the rather shabby, not to say grubby, real world that Corbyn claims that he wants no part of.

Or put another way, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

PS: being  untainted by the moral corruption of everybody else is, of course, a card that is regularly played by those aspiring for political power across the pond. Sometimes the voters there go for it.

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