Friday 22 December 2017

McCarthy & Stone

McCarthy & Stone being a well known provider of accommodation for the older person, noticed here occasionally, for example at reference 1. McCarthy & Stone themselves being found at reference 2.

They crop up today for two reasons.

First, I have learned that Abbeyfield, another provider of accommodation for the older person, but a charitable provider rather than a for-profit provider, is moving away from their bedsit model to something much more like the apartment model of McCarthy & Stone. Which led me to wonder where Abbeyfield get their capital from. Do they get government funding of some sort? Do they raise money on the market like any other business? Could I lend them money on interest? I dare say that I could find out if I did more than skim their annual report, but as it is the best that I can do is 'with an agreed loan facility to drive further growth', which suggests that they are raising money on the market.

Nothing wrong with a certain amount of convergence and consolidation as the market matures.

Second, quite by chance, I notice from the bottom of some promotional material, that RHS Wisley are proud to be sponsored by McCarthy & Stone. Here one is led to wonder about the scale of the sponsorship; the sponsorship of a retirement visitor attraction by a retirement home provider. All very incestuous.

PS: I was pleased to read on the McCarthy & Stone website that Messrs McCarthy & Stone really exist, or at least they did back in 1963 when the company was founded. 'John McCarthy and Bill Stone enter into partnership in 1963 and the McCarthy & Stone story begins.  Early work focuses on building houses and bungalows for the open market'. They are not just names dreamt up by the marketing department of some large conglomerate seeking to push into the older person market. Although it is always possible that they will be swallowed up by some such conglomerate in due course, with their marketing department retaining the names and branding because they work. Don't mend what ain't broke.

Reference 1:

Reference 2: Note all the children running around on the front page. Don't want the places to feel too old!

Reference 3:

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