Friday 15 December 2017

Shrinking phone

I have just woken from a dream involving a building I used to know quite well, Government Offices, Great George Street, GOGGS to its friends. A GOGGS which had been refurbished in a way that one could no longer get from one part to another without going outside, an outside which had morphed into something between Edinburgh Castle, stuck up on its mound, and Parliament Street with its clutter of old buildings, or at least old facades. This last having been brought on by their appearance in a half watched episode of 'Morse' the evening before.

At some point I was on the relic & rubble cluttered slopes outside and came across a really interesting plant, a plant which I wanted to photograph for posterity, or perhaps for the blog. So out with the telephone and try to get down to business.

To discover that this particular sort of mobile phone shrank as its battery ran down, in this case to the point where it was about the size of one's thumbnail. All a bit awkward as things like the power switch did not shrink.

Not an important enough matter to wake me up, I just gave up and moved onto the next episode in the dream.

With thanks to Google for the illustration. Famous public house off snap to the right. Hardened bollards foreground. Such an important street that the image is only a few weeks old - see bottom right.

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