Saturday 2 December 2017

The world of theatre

The National Theatre is putting Macbeth on in the New Year, a play I have a soft spot for, probably because it was the first play I did at school when I was old enough to care. So we thought we might go.

The only catch is that I have got fed up with modern dress. When people are banging on about daggers, skipping falchions and putting up their hangers, I find it rather tiresome that they are wielding machine guns - or perhaps assault rifles. I like my Shakespeare to be done in vaguely Elizabethan or older costume.

The theatre website had no information on this point, although it did know about the leading man & his lady and there is a full bill of collateral events, tours, study days and such like. The Theatre box office had none either, although I can say I got a very prompt reply to my email.

On the other hand, the show appears to be sold out for its run - 26th February to 12th May. So one can only presume that most people are prepared to buy blind on this point.

Alternatively, the theatre website is sold out because they have allocated all their tickets to various value adding agents across the land. Who knows.

PS: perhaps the theatre, by the time the show hits the boards, will also be selling the book of the play, that is to say the text they are working to, as opposed to the text handed down. Perhaps they have commissioned Sir Damien Hirst to write a new, cross-cutting version, something that modern audiences can better relate to. And as someone very keen on cutting up bodies, rather well suited to the subject matter.

Reference 1:

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