Saturday 20 August 2016


A snap, taken this morning, somewhere on or near Chertsey Lane, illustrating the damage done by our grass management consultants, who have been contracted to manage the grass verges, to the posts of the softwood post and rail fencing which the developers saw fit to install in said verges.

All very unsightly, and it will not be long now before gaps start to appear.

One answer would have been to encase the posts in some hard plastic, hard enough to take on the plastic flail of the strimmers deployed by said consultants.

Another answer would have been to try to educate the zero-hours contract contractors (did they speak English?) that chopping down the posts was not part of the contract.

Yet another answer still might have been a bit of supervision.

Who knows? When councils have been cut to the bone by the Tories in order to prove how hopeless they are, who am I to moan about something as trivial as the posts decorating some housing estate? Which I don't even live on.

PS 1: further irritated by not being able to track down my previous post on this matter. I shall keep trying.

PS 2: half an hour later: being back from a late lunch, I persisted, The sort of job which one might have taken on in the world of work when back from Friday lunch time down the pub - in the far off days when such behaviour was acceptable, normal even. And eventually I turned up reference 1 - using, on this occasion, the MS Windows search folder facility on my Word back-up copy. It seemed to fit the job better than the search blog feature offered out-of-the-box by google. At least, that was where I was when I found the post in question, with 'strim' turning out to be the key word. Easy when one knows the answer. Posted at a time when I was more concerned about trees than posts.

Reference 1:

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