Saturday 3 February 2018

The adverts are coming!

Regular readers will recall that I bought some new shoes from Cotswolds recently.

The new shoes have been fine, but I am now finding advertisements from Cotswolds popping up in all sorts of unlikely places. So I go to the website of some quite unrelated company for some reason or other. It has allocated a chunk of its opening screen to dynamic advertising. It goes to google and matches my profile with google with its portfolio of advertisers. No doubt the date, the time of day and my present location get added in to. And out of the mix pops Cotswolds.

Don't much like it, but there is not much to be done about it, as it would take mass political action of a sort unlikely to happen any time soon. We all have more important things to worry about. But maybe I could get Corbyn to take an interest, in the margins of his upcoming visit to a shelter near here for fallen women?

Furthermore, it occurs to me that the Cotswolds people maybe need to tune their algorithm a bit. What is the point of serving me up with advertisements when I have just bought a pair of shoes, from them as it happens? Surely what they need is a bring-forward marker for six months times when the new ones have worn out? Unless, of course, what I am getting is the tail end of such a marker. But I don't think so; the timing does not seem right for that. All too complicated for this time on a cold winter's morning.

Reference 1:

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