Thursday 26 July 2018


The heat beating wheeze of cycling rather than walking noticed at reference 1 was stepped up this morning by my getting out at around 0630 instead of 1030. So pleasantly cool when I left at 0630 and just getting warm when I returned from the Horton Clockwise (extended version) at around 0730.

Horton Lane surface starting to break up with substantial cracks starting to appear between the three or four strips of blacktop needed to span the road. Not a problem for a cycle, the main hazard to which being the cracks, holes and canyons around drains and drain covers at the side of the road. And it being a while since I have cycled locally in a regular way, I no longer remember where all the bad ones are.

Another problem is that the back troubles which prompted me to pack in cycling as my main form of exercise are showing signs of life after just a week. Maybe mainly a posture issue, but it can't be helped by the jarring of the lower back when one hits an unexpected canyon.

Heavy and fast moving traffic on the Ewell by-pass at 0700, the sort of traffic which I am no longer used to. Probably just as well to keep my hand in. Things slowed down by the time I got back to Epsom, but, pushed into the Ashley Centre gyratory by road works in Hook Road, discovered lots of new-to-me but seriously unpleasant canyons.

Plus, on exit into the High Street, I was overtaken by a fast moving idiot in lycra, travelling through the slow moving traffic at the junction at a speed which made him a hazard to all, not least to me.

In which connection, I might say that I am, at long last, making a serious effort to use the cycle tracks, where available, to keep me off the road proper. I have more or less got used to them in London, so maybe I will get used to them here in Epsom.

Reference 1:

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