Saturday 21 July 2018

Rotten borough concluded

First, the church of the Holy Spirit.

Very different from the rather dingy but heavily decorated interiors of some the High Church and Catholic churches elsewhere on the island. To my atheist mind, clean and uplifting in a way that they were not, interesting though they were.

There was an interesting selection of graves outside, some quite recent, rather more than the population of the village (or town, if you will) would support, perhaps making it a resting place of choice for the cognoscenti of the island. A number of the double barrelled graves, like that in the middle of this snap. Some graves with stone barrels running down the length of them, something that we have not seen for a while. But we failed to find the war grave.

The plaques on the side of the well equipped bid hide, noticed previously. Neither Bing nor Google know much about Marcia Seabroke, beyond that fact that she gave her name to a bird hide, a rather limited form of afterlife. Would Achilles have thought it enough? See reference 1 for more musings on this very point.

But we do get: 'From Queen Elizabeth I and George Canning, to the eccentric Ferguson's Gang and Mercia Seabroke in the 20th century, Newtown is full of colourful and historic characters that have shaped its past', and we do get the two snips following. We can clearly find graves even if we can't find out anything much about their occupants.

I close with another snap of the marshes, of which Mrs. Seabroke was, presumably, very fond.

The end.

Reference 1:

Group search key: nta.

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