Thursday 9 August 2018

Farmers' market

Sunday past, knowing full well that 'farmers' market' is a sort of euphemism for a foody's version of a craft market, nothing much to do with farmers at all, I fell for the farmers' market being held in the market square.

Where to be fair, I bought some fruit from a stall, manned by a young man, possibly from Germany, who claimed to have picked the apples himself on the Friday. Discovery, not bad at all, although past their first, just-picked freshness. Perhaps he had plastic bagged them on the Friday, not good in the heat that we were having at the time.

Plums, with a bloom but a little overripe - and, at a fiver, a good bit dearer than the apples. We ate a few raw, which were fine, but decided that stewing was the way forward with the remainder, which was even better. I started with a pint of water and 4oz of sugar for what was just about a pound and a half of fruit, but once the syrup had boiled and the plums were in, it looked far too much and I ladled about half off. Which got me to about where BH said she would have started. Result spot on; an impeccable display of the stewing of fruit.

Then to the pie stall where I bought two steak and ale pies from a stout and cheerful lady, probably a Surrey housewife who liked to cook rather than a farmer's wife. I would have gone for steak and kidney but she only had one of those, a pity as it turned out, as we did not think the steak and ale had a very good flavour at all. I even suspected her of having used tinned meat, but BH thought this unlikely. Plus the pasty was a bit on the flaky side, not proper shortcrust at all.

Plus the same quantity problem as I noted at the end of reference 1. One two person pie not enough, two two person pies too much. But I settled for the latter on this occasion, which left us with a half pie on which to snack, later in the day in question.

So perhaps, having done a bit of pie over the past few weeks, that has done pie for a bit.

Reference 1:

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