Monday 6 August 2018

Old style DIY

A long time ago, DIY used to involve things like dovetail joints, with the last such being perhaps 10 years old, and that being the first for a while. More recently, I have cut the odd mortice and tenon joint, still owning a fine half inch mortice chisel from Marples, the ones with the brass trim and boxwood handles. From there, I dropped back to housings, occasionally half stopped and then unstopped. And now, it is just screw and glue, after the fashion of the bread bin noticed at reference 1. At least I still screw up first, then unscrew, then glue, then screw again.

This morning, it being hot and so for once taking a shower, I was reminded of the era of unstopped housings, of which the shower mount snapped left has three, one more or less hidden behind a compression joint. With compression joints also being something of a back number as I can't remember when I last did one of those. Maybe the outside tap in the garage, twenty years ago.

Unstopped housings which in this case are grossly overengineered, as they would probably carry a thousand times the weight they actually are carrying. Even soft white wood is good on compressive strength.

Notice the shower head right, in the jargon of the trade, a 'Belmont Traditional 8" Apron Rose Shower Head'. Lots of large holes which are spot on when you have a good gravity feed. Although the Belmont is not quite spot on as they have included funny little plastic bits in the holes and I think one does better without, so one has to search a bit harder. Maybe 'Deva 8" Chrome Apron Rose Shower Head with Swivel Joint HEAH02' from ebay would be more the thing. For a while they were quite hard to get hold of, but they seem to have come back into fashion.

Notice also the smart Oxford Blue Weathershield Gloss from Dulux, chosen to match both the interior tiles and the exterior paintwork - although most of this last has now fallen to black or white plastic.

Reference 1:

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