Monday 9 October 2017


Small birds are starting to return to the back garden, having been away for the summer, with a flock of great tits passing through this afternoon. Will they find the firethorn, looking very red at the moment? Or will that be left to the pigeons - which can look very foolish swaying on the end of twigs which are far too slender to take their weight?

PS: in the course of wondering whether 'wand' was an acceptable word for a young, straight shoot on a tree, I came across reference 1. Clearly an important site for those who have given up on doctors and returned to the old faith. Reduced to checking in OED, I find 12 meanings listed, most of them indeed to do with young, straight shoots, with a sense of rigid in some regions, of supple in others. Not important as, even when my copy of OED went to press, more than a century ago, only the Harry Potter sense of wand was common.

Reference 1:

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