Saturday 2 July 2016


My first intimate encounter with the world of bitcoin snapped left - with the very long bitcoin address - mixed alpha numeric - suppressed just to be on the safe side.

I have taken a download, despite what appears to be a breach of the Elsevier copyright on this paper, but I have not contributed to the cause as, apart from any other considerations, of which I can think of several, I don't have a clue how to.

I might say that I do rather resent the rates that Elsevier and others try to charge for access to publicly funded research; charges which are often in excess of $30 for a single paper, perhaps on the strength of a short abstract, perhaps turned up by google - and which strike me as being far in excess of what might be reasonably charged for the rather creaky - and very probably unpaid - editorial and peer review processes. With one chap at the Wikimania conference I attended a couple of years ago alleging that this editorial support could often be close to zero. See reference 1.

There is, however, plenty of leakage. Authors like to be read and the number of reads per paper is depressingly low, with the average probably in single figures. So they put themselves about a bit.

PS: also my first intimate encounter with the University of Belgrade, the home of all eight authors of the paper in question.

Reference 1:

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