Monday 25 July 2016


Up this morning to find a large bee buzzing around the inside of the kitchen window, maybe an inch long. Not a regular honey bee or a regular bumblebee. Not a wasp or a hornet.

Out with the telephone to find that it struggled. It could not cope with buzzing and the bee could not cope with not buzzing, so it took a quite a few goes to get as good as this - and even now the detail of the body is lost.

Probably coincidentally, the desktop then proceeded to struggle when I loaded the pictures up, and continued to struggle for as long as the telephone was plugged in. Maybe it was trying to do something clever, to retrieve a better picture from the around 5Mb of enriched jpg - rather less, I might say, than the 25Mb it sometimes clocks up - for a single snap that is. From where I associate to the days when I had to attend a very serious review meeting with no less a personage than a deputy secretary in the chair to get permission to spend maybe £20,000 on maybe 60Mb worth of disc units... I don't think those numbers are quite right, but they do give the right idea. See reference 1 for more of the same.

Bee propelled out of the window with the washing up bowl.

Reference 1:

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