Saturday 30 July 2016

Brave Borderer

Earlier in the month I had occasion to think of inshore patrol vessels at reference 1. Today I am prompted by the news on the front page of the DT to think of them again.

I wonder if all those UKIP types who want to stem the tide of foreigners, are wondering whether we might not have done better to build a few more of them, rather than punting most of our naval budget on huge submarines - one of which has managed to crash into a cargo ship near Gibraltar? Those UKIP types that is, other than the Kentish ones who are cashing in with their rubber boats. I wonder also how all these starving foreigners come to have so much fare-money about their persons.

Surely national disaster Corbyn doesn't have a point about Trident and value for money after all?

PS: oddly the news item which provided the core of the DT's front page news this morning is not to be found on their web site, but it is to be found on the BBC web site. But in my perambulations, I was pleased to come across Kingston Mouldings (see reference 2). A relic of our glory days as a manufacturing country.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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