Monday 19 March 2018


Some of the  many shelves in the library mentioned in the last post had white threads strung across them, white threads which looked like some sort of burglar alarm, despite the mixed quality of the books so protected.

A bright young thing collecting tickets explained that these were a hangover from some previous scheme of management. With the present scheme excluding both examining and borrowing books, even if you were a member, unlike the RHS which is very relaxed about both. But she thought that if I had some particular interest, some special arrangement could be made.

All of which made me think of all the old libraries up and down the land with splendid premises, bookcases and shelves and fine collections of books which no-one wanted to read any more. Most government departments used to have them, complete with professional librarians, with those of the senior departments like the Treasury and the Foreign Office being particularly fine. Large companies like BP had them. Now, at best, fodder for auctions and collectors. And of the all the old busts of Roman emperors which were sometimes placed on top of bookcases for identification purposes.

Group search key: dwa.

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