Thursday 1 March 2018


Last weekend saw our first visit to the nearly new Epsom branch of Prezzo,  a chain we first came across, and liked, at Ely, a little more than two years ago. Not so pleased with our subsequent experience at Canterbury.

I think the Epsom branch was, until recently, two shops, although BH thinks that at one point it might have been Bonmarché, a company which Wikipedia says comes from up north, despite the frenchified name. Rather bigger inside than I had thought from the outside, from the other side of the road. Sketch of the layout left, with the waiting station including stuff like cutlery, salt and a couple of computers. One of which appeared to be dedicated for advertisements for itself, as it were. The top table included a curved bench seat with a decorated trellis behind, a table and seats in front. Dedicated to what appeared to be a girls' night out, perhaps a birthday celebration, by the time we left.

The staff seemed to be mainly English, including the cheerful and competent young man who greeted and seated us. He told us he had started work at around 1000 and expected to work until past 2200, hours which he thought entirely reasonable on a Saturday. That is what hospitality is all about. Nevertheless, overall the service was not up to the standard set in central London by all the bright young things from parts foreign. Plus the page in the procedures manual about wiping tables seemed to be missing.

The place was pretty full by 1900, mainly with young people who did not sound as if they had been to posh schools. Perhaps our Universities of Creation and Dance keep the place going. The young lady nearest us, dining with her boy friend, was not only very thin, but she also closed her meal by making up a roll-up. A custom which is not yet dead, even if consumption has been forced outside.

Mixed meat starter good (if slammed by today's Guardian on account of the carcinogenic nitrates and nitrites used in its curing). Pizza interesting in that the thin rectangular base, served on a plank, appeared to have been cooked without the toppings, which were added afterwards. But entirely satisfactory, good even. Let down by their tiramisu, which looked a bit like a mutant sausage roll and a bit tired. Plus there was rather too much brown powder sprinkled on top. While the one at Ely, noticed at reference 1, was not very good in a different way. Wine, something from Gavi, good. They tried to put ice in my Amaretto (taken with dessert), but changed it without complaint when I complained.

All in all quite a change from the 'Plaice to Eat' (of references 2 and 3) which we had used the week before, after our visit to Hampton Court. A place where one is served excellent fish and chips and where the large cod is indeed large. Experienced diners settled for small, although, to be fair, the clientèle was a good bit older than that at Prezzo, with older peoples' appetites to match. Excellent waitress, not particularly young, but born for the trade.

PS: today's news about overreach at Prezzo left us wondering whether this establishment will survive. We hope so, it being a useful addition to the Epsom offering.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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