Friday 27 July 2018


A few days ago I noticed (at reference 1) the poor state of the blackberries this year. While today, going through the passage under the railway line leading to Screwfix, things seemed a bit better. Maybe being in the passage helps: plenty of shade and also low lying, which might mean that it is wetter. I might even go back to pick some berries this afternoon.

En passant, I thought Cortana had done a reasonable job on the snap left, given the difficult conditions, with bright sun giving lots of light contrast and with the various plants giving lots of focus variation.

On the other hand, Microsoft have done something to their Photos application, which I use by default to display pictures, which seems to mean that it takes quite a while to compute the display image from the stored image, although things are much faster the second time around. And I was confused by the file create date being later than the file modify date. In any event, maybe yet another case of Microsoft software eating up all the hardware on offer and a bit more, a policy which has served them well over the years - but when one has got used to more or less instant, it is still a bit tiresome to have to wait 5 seconds while a picture loads.

To be fair, the images are often very good.

Reference 1:

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