Wednesday 11 April 2018

More crows

Or, to be more precise, magpies.

In the margins of the visit to fake 29 noticed at reference 1, BH bought a coir bowl to replace the black plastic she had used to hold the compost for her stand of summer begonias (or perhaps it was petunias).

This bowl has now been installed, as illustrated left, and is just the job. Looks much better than the black plastic it replaced, this last rather taking away from the appearance of the whole, at least until the plants had grown enough to take the eyes away from it.

The catch is that the magpies seem to think that coir is great stuff and have been busily pulling out great mouthfuls of the stuff, while we watch from the kitchen window, and with their depredations now clearly visible. I would not have thought that they can digest the stuff, so next thought is that they want it to line their nest with.

As it happens the coir bowl only cost a pound or two, so we can probably take any eventual loss.

PS: the top of the table visible top left was reclaimed from the ruin of our garden shed, while its frame was recovered from some school in Dorset. Or perhaps Devon.

Reference 1:

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