Tuesday 4 April 2017

Up north 2

The top part of the crane of the previous post.

Not a bad picture from a telephone which is not a Lumia, capturing the height of the thing quite well.

One wonders what weight such a crane might manage. A quick peek at the Baldwins site reveals that one of their large cranes has eight axles and quite a lot about its dimensions, but is coy about how much it can lift. Something called the duty chart, which would probably tell me, is available on application. While google turns up the much less coy reference 2 which suggests that something called an 800t, which looks to be the top of the Liebherr mobile range, can manage 40 tons at a surprisingly low angle. But I doubt whether the one here can do anything like that.

Moving on, if we suppose that the crane costs £500,000 and that one gets 500 hire days from it during its working life, my arithmetic suggests that a couple of thousand a day would be a fair hire charge, which seems rather low. Maybe the arithmetic has come unstuck somewhere.

Reference 1: http://www.maximliftingservices.co.uk/mobile-crane-hire/.

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