Friday 28 April 2017

We'll keep the red flag flying here!

For the record, despite my doubts about the variety of Old Labour offered by Mr. 'the crow' Corbyn, I shall be voting Labour in the forthcoming election. As long as the party can put up a donkey for leader, it is not out, and it is important for it to get as big a vote as possible as a spring board for recovery at some point in the future. Hopefully not too dim and distant.

In our constituency, the Rt. Hon. Mr. Grayling is likely to be returned with a large majority, say 25,000 or more on a vote of 60,000, so tactical voting is not an issue. At least he is the product of a sort of grammar school, along with his leader, rather than Eton.

However, I suspect that the owner of the car illustrated, like that illustrated a couple of years ago at reference 1, comes from a part of town which was once Labour but is now Daily Mail. With there not being much chance of movement during the campaign. Furthermore, not only is it more of a lady's colour than that at reference 1, I think that somewhere it says something about Tiffany, possibly referring to the Tiffany Blue which is well known to google. Don't be mislead by the FIL on the number plate - but for the real FIL, you can see reference 2.

PS: I had assumed that Paul Dacre, the editor of the Daily Mail was rabidly right wing. But scanning reference 3, the truth seems to be more complicated, even if it does involve a great deal of money. Yet another product of a sort of grammar school - as indeed, I was.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

Reference 3:

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