Wednesday 10 May 2017

Asset tagging

A swinging box in Horton Lane. Inspection revealed things which could be unplugged without danger to life or limb. With most of what could be seen looking very like the electricity meter & associated accessories which used to be under our own stairs, until replaced by a smart meter.

The second ticket down on the left included a telephone number which I tried and which turned out to be a call centre run by the people, Invensys, who own the electricity meter. A call centre presumably intended for use by engineers out on the road, rather than the general public, so the chap who answered the phone knew about road side boxes and actually seemed to care enough to follow this one up. He took down a few numbers.

But don't be misled by the name. The outfit is really called Schneider Electric, some large corporation based in the US.

A few minutes later my telephone bleeped, but denied having received any kind of message. Was it being pinged by some fast moving BT engineer who wanted to check where the box was?

PS 1: I noticed my last attempt to be helpful at reference 2. This morning, about a month later, I get an email from the Openreach Plant Protection Controller (a chap with a rather Polish looking name) telling me that the box in question there was nothing to do with BT. No helpful suggestions about whose box it might be. I shall go back in due course and see if the facts on the ground have got any better.

PS 2: I now find that the MS photo viewer includes a zoom slide bar, with which I can get the image up to something close to life size. To the point where I can read all the tickets, although not quite to the point where I can read the serial number of the meter. Maybe if the shot had not been taken at an angle. All very impressive. But note that it does not work on the cut down version of the image stored by the blogger software. But impressive in a different way, it having got the image down from near 7Mb to just over 30Kb,

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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