Friday 5 January 2018


Snapped yesterday morning in West Street in Ewell. A van which had me wondering for some seconds about what an earth an Aspire bifold could be, a wondering terminated by my getting close enough to read the subtitle about folding doors.

Which for some reason took me back to BH coming across onion skin paper in Levi's periodic table book, noticed at reference 2. To me, Onionskin was the name of a company which sold a big brand of carbon paper and whose black vans, smaller versions of this one, were often to be seen in central London in the 1970's. While to Bing, it is the name of a particular sort of thin paper much used for both air mail and carbon paper. Onionskin the company seems to have vanished. I suppose Levi's translator must have been thinking of the air mail paper. While when I read about it, I remember being puzzled as to why Levi would have used carbon paper in the way suggested by the context, but was too lazy to check.

Going back further to the once almost universal use of the word 'hoover' for a vacuum cleaner.

And perhaps before that, a 'singer' was the usual word for a sewing machine?

PS: checking reference 1 this afternoon, I find that they are really a fancy double glazing company, majoring on fancy doors for fancy extensions. They could probably do the sort of folding garage doors we had such trouble replicating some years ago - trouble which included tracking down the manufacturer of the special hinges and then getting Travis Perkins to buy them for me, the manufacturer not deigning to deal with the public. Do - but to judge by the website - do for considerably more than we paid a local carpenter to make them up for us.

Reference 1:

Reference 2:

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