Sunday 21 January 2018

Trolley 117

Another Sainsbury's trolley, recovered at the junction of Hook Road and East Street, from in front of the advertising hoarding there.

It was raining, as can be seen from the bit of umbrella top left, which meant that the snaps were taken without the full benefit of two hands, with the result that the camera angle and focus were even more wobbly than usual. So the choice for present purposes rather more restricted than it should have been.

It seemed quite hard work wheeling this trolley one handed, quite heavy on the wrist, so I declined a second trolley on the way out of Kiln Lane. Maybe I will look in again if I go past today - with today being Monday here, although not for followers of PST, that is to say Pacific Standard Time, for whom it is just past 2300 on Sunday.

I dare say if I gave it some proper thought I could work out why logging blogposts to local time would not work. Presumably something to do with their being visible worldwide and the need to manage replication over the various data centres from which blogs are displayed.

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