Friday 21 September 2018

Brexit factor

An advertisement which rather annoyed me at Earlsfield earlier in the week.

An emotive appeal involving the notion that additives to food are bad. Hot and steaming milk, fresh out of the cow in the sun-lit field is good. Tapping into the same vein, the same streak as gives us similarly bad feelings about scientists, experts and ruling classes of all sorts, all those people who are always telling us how the world works and how we should behave. And who nearly always get it wrong. Or who are mostly on the make for themselves. Part, to my mind, of the whole welling up which was given an opportunity to express itself in the Brexit vote.

Part also, to my mind, of the similarly emotive move away from immunisations.

I was annoyed that an advertiser, presumably staffed up by educated people who should know better, should pander to this sort of thing. In this case, the idea that adding stuff to food to make it healthy and wholesome is bad. Perhaps they should all be posted off to some place where food is neither healthy nor wholesome - for ten years or until they see the error of their ways and do a bit of public humiliation and recantation, in the way of some of our eastern friends.

The fact that this advertisement is not actually about milk at all and might conceivably be read as being ironic (à la Corbie the Crow) is beside the point. The punters are not going to take that on.

Also annoyed that we have yet another advertiser peddling the notion of a free lunch. Something else that we have far too much of. On which point see reference 1.

Reference 1:

Group search key: nda.

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