Sunday 23 July 2017

Car booter fame

There was car boot action at Hook Road arena this morning, despite the overnight rain. Action which included these two coaches from somewhere in Sussex. Have the Hook Road car booters become so famous that people are running excursions to them?

I wish now that I had bothered to find a coach driver to tell me all about it. Didn't actually visit the car booter either, so I have not broken my holiday of what seems like several years now.

The website suggests that Hams Travel is the sort of company that our own Epsom Coaches used to be, before the founder's heirs sold out to the French. But I did not see anything there about excursions to car boot sales.

PS: don't have the patience this afternoon to check how long it actually is since I have been to a car booter, with the search terms I can think of returning far too many hits.

Reference 1:

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