Thursday 27 July 2017


Despite the remarks on April Fools' Day, and despite the short five month life of the outgoing pair, another new pair of Moab Ventilator trainers from Morrell via Cotswolds.

Same model, same price. Certain amount of flapdoodle on their website where I was confused for a while by US pricing and had trouble getting the quantity right. Delivery a few days later, right on schedule.

As far as I can recall, the outgoing pair did not need much breaking in, which was good. But if this pair goes below five months, I think I shall have to look around again. It is not as if my use has changed significantly, with my still clocking a steady six miles a day. Might even be reduced to going to Kingston, which at least as far as trainers are concerned, I have avoided for some years now. Place not the same since the French flavoured restaurant on the river shut, although the German flavoured restaurant in the High Street is some compensation.

PS: should you think of shopping online at Cotswolds, make sure you have a sharp knife to hand when you open up the package. They use strong tape & plastic for the wrapping.

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